Getting out of your comfort zone
Ever wondered what it’s like to catch an unbroken wave? Practice a yoga class on the beach at dawn? Try your first moules mariniere with cream, white wine and garlic?
We asked our friends at The Know, the female-founded media company on a mission to transform our relationship with the news, to share their top tips for getting out of your comfort zone on a trip away.

How to broaden your horizons
Summer is on the horizon, and the opportunities brought by longer and warmer days. In anticipation of the holiday season, we’ve been discussing our summer bucket lists, which include things like waking up with the sunrise and getting on a surfboard for the first time.
But we’ve also been recognising how easy it is to stick within our comfort zone during a holiday, only to regret it when the trip draws to a close. As much as we might want to broaden our horizons - whether that’s eating snails in Paris or going on a sea safari in Cornwall - we’ve all too often let exciting opportunities pass us by.
Here are our three top tips for getting out of your comfort zone on your next break away.
1. Identify what’s holding you back
This step is arguably the most important as in order to step out of your comfort zone, you have to figure out what’s keeping you there in the first place.
Fear of embarrassment and fear of failure could be playing a part. Maybe you’ve dreamed of throwing some shapes under the stars but are convinced you’re a terrible dancer? Or perhaps you’d love to paddle in the sea - but an irrational jellyfish fear is holding you back?
Once you’ve identified the beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your comfort zone, you can begin to challenge them. This could look like dancing around in the privacy of your bedroom, or recruiting a sea-loving friend to take a dip with you.
2. Say yes to new things
A holiday is a great time to say yes to new things. You’ve shed your day-to-day routine, making you more open to new experiences - and, importantly, there’s always something new waiting to be discovered.
This doesn’t mean saying “yes” to everything on offer. In fact, this could be low-stakes stuff, like opting for seafood instead of spaghetti one night, or trying out a yoga class on the beach instead of lying by the pool with a book.
The worst that can happen when you say “yes” to something new is that you might not like it. But you might also discover something new that you love.
3. You don’t have to do it alone
Doing something different can undoubtedly be scary, but you don’t have to do it alone. If the thought of getting on a surfboard fills you with excited apprehension, working with an expert instructor can give you the confidence you need to give it a go.
It sounds like a cliché, but a holiday is often made by the people you’re with. So if you’re longing to get out of your comfort zone on your next trip away, hanging out with like-minded travellers - who also want to experience everything a new place has to offer - could be key to unlocking a world of new experiences.
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